The lyrics of “New Scream” are very relevant these days, especially for young adults. However, “New Scream” still includes the layered, echoing sound when it comes to the guitar and vocals. Unlike many of the songs on the album, “New Scream” focuses more on the use of the bass than anything else. “New Scream” seems to be a song that doesn’t exactly fit with the rest of the album. Lines like “I never wanted to make you go” and “losing you is like cutting my fingers off” show the darker, more emotional side to the song. While the music seems upbeat, the lyrics are quite the opposite. The song starts off with the sound of wind and echoing guitar notes, and then adds in the melody of a guitar and vocals. The first track of the album, “Cutting My Fingers Off” compares the emotional pain of losing somebody you love to physical pain. There are three songs on the album that stick most: “Cutting My Fingers Off,” “New Scream” and “Hello Euphoria.” This makes an impact and almost commands the attention of the listener. Another technique Turnover uses in the album is starting off the song slow, and then picking up suddenly. While some might say that the album is too repetitive and unimaginative, the similarities between tracks bring cohesiveness and makes the album flow better. Most of the songs on “Peripheral Vision” seem to fit together and almost lead into each other. Our songs have helped people get through stuff way bigger than anything we’ve ever dealt with and you never know what your art could do for someone else.”

Everyone goes through different issues, big and small. The bassist, Daniel Dempsey, said in an interview with DIY Magazine, “We’ve never been afraid to put anything out.

The 11-track album features music and vocals that have a distant, almost echo-like sound, and lyrics that show the vulnerable side of human emotions, such as depression, insecurity and loneliness. A drastic change from their previous hardcore pop-punk album, Peripheral Vision is more of a “dream pop” or “shoegaze” genre, which evokes a feeling of nostalgia and relaxation. In May 2015, Turnover released a second studio album that still haunts me to this day.